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Citizenship in the World

5 Comments on Citizenship in the World

  1. my camp has it and its so easy i didnt even know i had before they awarded it to me and it really was easy at summer camp even though i fell asleep on thursday while i was taking it

  2. I think its a great,rad,totally amazing merit badge!

  3. On one of the world organizations, they forgot NATO.

  4. well no i have never found a camp that offers this merit badge so dont lie ok none ‘a dat k….. and these comments man where are you supposed to get help for this stuff man is like your in lala land and theres nothing you can do about it you know gooedness

  5. This merit badge is pretty hard, but so are all of the other Eagle Required Merit Badges. I recomend doing this merit badge at summer camp and then finishing at home what you can’t do at camp.

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