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Personal Fitness

12 Comments on Personal Fitness

  1. this is so hard.

  2. Got this! It was very easy to do.

  3. if you want to do this merit badge remember the q’s they ask at the physical!

  4. I am doing this badge and its easy as pie.

  5. its so easy just way long

  6. You don’t have to be fit, just work out daily, and this badge is a breeze.

  7. I’m Working on it and I’m doing well.Besides You have 12 weeks to do it.:)

  8. It is quite the commitment. You really need someone to help you keep on track and push you to your limit.

  9. It’s one of the harder Merit Badges but you’re happy when you get it done

  10. its actualy easy even though it looks hard

  11. This merit badge is hard, but if you want to make eagle, do it while your young and still have lots of energy and free time, don’t do what i did and wait until your in high school and have almost no free time in which to go to the gym.

  12. I think tis merit badge would be easy for any scout who is physically fit.

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