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Lua is a fast, powerful, lightweight, embeddable scripting language. It was designed around being portable and easy to use. Lua is used around the world in various

Romotive Mobile Training Platform

Romo is a programmable robot that is brought to life by you! Romo can be programmed to follow a person’s face, drive a certain distance, be a roving photographer, or play


TouchDevelop is a unique programming environment because it allows you to develop software on a Windows Phone 7 or Windows Phone 8 smartphone. You can also develop on any web


Scratch combines multi-media and animation with a visual programming language. Programming language: SCRATCH Download software: Scratch version 2.0

ColdFusion (CF)

Coldfusion is a scripting language that is used on web servers to merge web page output with optional content or results from a database or user input. Web pages by


Lisp is an expression-oriented language. Unlike most other languages, no distinction is made between “expressions” and “statements;” all code and data

Programming merit badge FAQ

Q: Can I Use my own headphones? A: Yes Q: Can I skip watching the video and just do the project if I already know how? A: Yes Q: Can I skip watching the video if I have


Java is a general purpose programming language in wide use. Download software: Oracle Corp. Cost: Free Instructions to setup software: Download software for your platform


Perl is a scripting language that is supported on all computing platforms (Windows, Unix, Linux, Mac, and mobile devices). It is called a scripting language because it


Python is a scripting language that is unique from other languages in that it uses indentation of the code to form the if-then-else blocks. Other languages will use an


PHP is a language that is used on web servers to merge web page output with optional content or results from a database or user input. Web pages by themselves are static, but


Objective-C is a compiled language that is derived from C and is purely object-oriented. All variables are objects, and they are acted upon by sending messages to them. An

Matlab / Simulink / Stateflow

Matlab / Simulink / Stateflow is a popular calculation and simulation environment for scientists and engineers. You can program in text mode (Matlab) or in a visual icon


C++ is a general purpose programming language in wide use. Object-oriented languages such as C++ and Java leverage three principles called encapsulation, inheritance, and

Ladder Logic

Ladder Logic is the language used to program factory controllers which are called Programmable Logic Controllers (or “PLCs” for short).


Ruby is a general purpose interpreted object oriented language popular for building websites (search Google for “Ruby on Rails”).  It is similar to Python and Perl.


Labview is an amazing development environment and programming language that allows you to quickly build graphical applications that can do just about anything. Labview is


C is a general purpose programming language in wide use. Download software: There is a list of free C compilers at


ROBOTC is the premiere robotics programming language for educational robotics and competitions. ROBOTC is a C-based programming language with an easy-to-use development


There is an embedded controller in almost every electronics gadget you touch these days, so learning how to program one is an awesome skill to have. And the Arduino embedded

C Sharp (C#)

C# (pronounced C-Sharp) is a general purpose object oriented programming language developed by Microsoft for the Windows platform. It uses the .NET platform, which is a fancy

Visual Basic.NET

Download software: Download Visual Studio Community Edition Cost: Free Instructions to setup software: Run the installation program that downloads from Microsoft. When you


Javascript is a programming language that is used to bring websites to life. You see it in action every time you visit a website that has any interaction. Learning